Message from Rev Andy
Andy M

When we think about Good Friday, and what happened to Jesus, we can see our own world reflected back.  We live in a world where there can be pain, grief, injustice, poverty, and the abuse of power.  We live in a world where innocent and good people suffer and even die.  We might say it’s a ‘Good Friday world’.  It’s not the world God intends.  It is far away from Paradise or Eden.

But Easter comes, and breaks into the Good Friday World.  Like a spring flower growing through the rubble of a rubbish heap.

It comes first as one man, risen from the dead.  Jesus of Nazareth.  The last person anyone expected to see again, after his brutal death on the cross.

But then, one-by-one, Easter (and the good news of love and grace that cannot die) comes into the lives of Jesus’ friends and followers.

They see him, they talk with him again, they touch him even.  Death has been defeated, and everything wrong with this world can be redeemed, renewed in this same death-reversing love. 

Those disciples knew that the news of Jesus rising from the dead was hard to believe, but they were prepared to suffer and even die themselves – persecuted for the truth they carried. 

It’s a story and message that still needs some thinking about. 

Over the centuries, the Easter message has brought hope to a Good Friday world.  The Gospel (good news!) of Jesus has brought renewal, purpose, forgiveness and love to people’s lives and communities.  At times it has shaped our world in very positive ways. 

When we look at the ‘Good Friday World’ around us, we are always given a choice.  We can choose to believe that the darkness will eventually win, that life is hopeless and empty.  OR we can choose to trust in a God of love, who is working through people of faith to bring love and hope, goodness and purpose.  Those first disciples were prepared to die, to give us something to live for. 

God is working through the hardship and pain of life, and saying to us that death will not win, evil will not win, our human failure and sin will not have the final word. 

In our church, we believe that Christ is risen, love wins, and life is worth living.  Whatever you are going through, you are very welcome to join us to find out more. 

Wishing you all an Easter of many blessings.

Rev. Andy Murphy


Sunday 5th May 2024  

Morning Worship at 10.30am - Sheila Howell at Church and on Zoom 

The children and young people will leave for their groups partway through the service. A crèche will be available for babies and young children.

Tea and Coffee will be served in the hall after the service.   

Evening Worship at 6.30pm - Rev Rob Anning - Holy Communion at Church 

Latest Worship Recordings

A video recording of the Service led by Rev. Andy on Sunday 28th April is available to watch to by clicking on the link below 

here to watch the recording

If you wish to join us live online for any of the morning services on Zoom please contact us by sending an email for the log in code and we will happily let you have the details. 


Led by Rev Andy on the following dates -
7th and 21st May from 1.30pm - 3.00pm, open to anyone who would like to attend

Saturday 18th May 6.30pm
Tickets from Margaret Geldart or Mandie Price

Beetle drive

Details of events happening during the week at the church can be found here and the most recent notice sheet can be found here.   


Click here for map and directions


What to expect when you visit us

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